· Did you
know…that chiropractors search for the underlying causes of symptoms instead of
just treating the symptoms?
When you go see a medical doctor for a
musculoskeletal complaint, they aren’t the least bit interested in what caused
it. They only care about relieving
symptoms, usually with medications); which is great for now…but what happens
when those symptoms return a few weeks later?
Or when those medications they gave you cause side effects for which you
need more medication? The chiropractors
at Pro Chiropractic care about your symptoms, of course, but we look deeper to
determine what is actually causing those symptoms to manifest and we address
that. Do you have low back pain? That low back pain might not even be from a
low back issue. It may be because your
big toe isn’t working the way it’s supposed to which wreaks havoc on the
biomechanics of the other joints in your feet, ankles, knees and hips; and
because your body is an expert at overcompensating, that pain can manifest in
your low back. Fix the biomechanical
issue in the big toe and “voilà”…no more low back pain.
· Did you
know…that one of the most important times for a woman to seek chiropractic care
is when she is pregnant?
When a woman is pregnant, the baby’s health
is directly tied to the mother’s. If the
mother is not eating properly, the baby can be malnourished. If the mother is not taking care of her body
physically, the baby can suffer. If the
mother’s nervous system is not functioning optimally, it can impair the
development of the baby. How can the
mother keep her nervous system as healthy as possible? Go see a chiropractor! That’s what we do! We can also give advice on nutrition and
exercise. Receiving consistent spinal
adjustments during pregnancy will relieve pressure and irritation on the spinal
cord, allowing the nervous system to function without interruption which helps
baby as well! During pregnancy, the body
releases a hormone called Relaxin which causes laxity in the pelvic ligaments
to prepare the body for the birthing process.
If left unchecked, the ligaments may stretch too much and cause pain and
instability in the sacroiliac joints and become a chronic problem after the
baby is born. Chiropractic care during
pregnancy can also help reduce labor time, the need for medications during
labor, and back pain during the pregnancy.
· Did you
know…that chiropractic doesn’t actually cure anything?
It’s true!
Chiropractic care doesn’t cure anything.
YOU DO! Now don’t get me
wrong…chiropractic care plays an important role in your health and recovery, it
just won’t get rid of cancer or arthritis or any other systemic disease. Chiropractic care DOES, however, ensure that
your nervous system is functioning at an optimum level so that your body, as it
is designed to do, can heal itself! How
amazing is that?!? If your body is
firing on all cylinders, it has an amazing ability to heal and to fight off
potential disease. Have you ever noticed
that when you are worn out, over stressed, or in pain that you seem to be more
susceptible to getting a cold or other common infections? When your nervous system is impaired, it can
negatively affect your immune system which is your body’s defense against
disease. Restoring function to your
nervous system through chiropractic care will help rebuild your body’s defenses
and promote health within the entire body!
· Did you
know…there are common triggers for migraines?
“Migraine” seems to be the catch-all term
for severe headaches, but a migraine headache is not as common as people
think. They have very specific
symptoms. Migraines are typically
unilateral, or only affect one side of the head, described as throbbing or
pulsating, aggravated by physical activity, and last anywhere from 2 to 72
hours. There are many different types of
migraines, each with its own specific criteria for diagnosis. The two most common types are classic
migraine and common migraine. A classic
migraine is distinguished from a common migraine by the fact that it is
preceded by an aura. The aura can be a
disturbance in vision, hearing or overall affect. Some see spots, zig zagging lines or
experience blurring vision, which others notice sensitivity to loud noises or
nausea. Many migraine sufferers say the
headaches are triggered by specific things; including foods, beverages, stress,
and even smells. The five most common
migraine triggers are:
1. Chocolate
2. Alcohol
3. Perfume
4. Bright lights
5. Changes in weather
· Did you
know…that the human body is about 60% water?
Hydration is a very important part of our
health because over half of our body is made up of water. Staying hydrated has many benefits including
weight loss, increased energy, relieving headaches, and helping with digestive
issues. Drinking water replaces high
calorie drinks, such as soda and alcohol, with a zero calorie, zero fat, zero
carb and zero sugar alternative. It also
acts as an appetite suppressant because it fills the stomach. This all helps with losing weight. Are you feeling fatigued, weak, or
dizzy? Drink more water! If you feel thirsty, you are already
dehydrated. And dehydration can sap up your energy and make you feel tired. It can also cause headaches. So before you reach of that bottle of
ibuprofen or Tylenol…try drinking a glass of water first. Have you noticed that you’re a little stopped
up? You might not be drinking enough
water. Your digestive system relies
heavily on water, and fiber, to move the food through your intestines and
absorb the nutrients needed to survive.
If your body is dehydrated, it will pull the water from your digestive
tract to use in more important systems which can leave you constipated. Drinking a glass of water with every meal and
carrying a water bottle with your during the day are two simple ways to help
you stay hydrated!
If you or someone you know in the Gallatin Valley area is
looking for a chiropractor, please call Dr. Shea Stark with Pro Chiropractic at
406-388-9915 to schedule an appointment in our Belgrade, Manhattan, or Bozeman
office. Dr. Stark is a board certified
chiropractor and the author of this blog post.
To learn more about Dr. Stark and the many benefits of chiropractic care,
please visit our website: www.prochiromt.com.