Dr. Jonathan Wilhelm, Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner at ProChiropractic in Bozeman / Belgrade, MT Offers the TOG GaitScan™
TOG GaitScan™
Our GaitScan™ System at ProChiropractic in Belgrade, MT is a revolutionary diagnostic tool for assessing your foot biomechanics. GaitScan™ has 4096 sensors and scans at an industry high 300Hz (scans per second). These measurements provide Dr Jonathan Wilhelm, Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner, with a sophisticated explanation of foot mechanics and assists his patients with the finest foot orthotic and/or shoe solutions.

TOG GaitScan™ is simply the most technologically advanced gait analysis system available and it, combined with advanced postgraduate training, has moved Dr Wilhelm at Pro Chiropractic to the forefront of foot orthotic therapy, bio-mechanical correction, and spinal pelvic stabilization in the Gallatin Valley.